Forming Judgment

The ability to balance facts and potential approaches taking the appropriate criteria into account.

distinguishes between facts and opinions
applies adequate criteria in forming his/her judgements
weighs up alternatives

bases his/her views on facts; distinguishes these from opinions
suggests practical and feasible solutions
weighs up the right priorities
weighs up pros and cons
is able to assess peoples qualities

supports his/her conclusions with relevant and logical arguments from different points of view
defines criteria on which his/her conclusion is based
understands the consequences of his/her conclusions for the department and other people
has several alternatives at his/her disposal
encourages others to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant aspects of a question at hand

supports his/her judgements with general numbers and facts based on the organization's performance as a whole
makes a review of the consequences of his/her conclusions both for the organization and its employees
bases strategic choices on sound risk assessment, takes uncertainties and bias into account
takes various scenarios into account regarding the organization's continuity
is able to judge new information on its merits and adjusts conclusions or judgements on the basis of this information when necessary

Forming judgment can be easily developed if the candidate has a more than average score (7,8,9) on the drives Decision making and Independent thinking & acting.

Have you ever been influenced by other people when making an important decision?
Could you give an example of a situation in which you did not listen to somebody else’s advice? Why did you not take the advice? Did it turn out to be a wise decision?
Did you ever regret not listening to somebody else’s advice? Which negative effects did this have for you?
Did you ever regret listening to somebody else’s advice? Why exactly?
Could you give two examples of successful decisions you have made over the last year? Which alternatives have you considered? Why did those decisions turn out well? To what extent have you considered possible consequences during the process of making the decision?

Collect factual information to build your opinion on.
Be open to other people’s ideas, try not to reject them straight away.
Be open to new information and ask yourself how it can be applied.
Be open about your mistakes and learn from them; try and practice what you learn.
Ask for feedback and make an effort to understand exactly what the other person is trying to say.

Encourage your candidate to write a list of all the things that are necessary to know in order to form a sound judgment on a certain issue. Ask him to draw conclusions on the basis of this list and to see what a colleague thinks of them.
Ask your candidate to contemplate on the solutions and decisions that did not have the effect he had hoped for. Ask the candidate to analyze why this was the case and reflect on these experiences.
Encourage your candidate to ask other people’s opinions when facing a problem.
Consider a certain issue or a problem with your candidate by brainstorming. Do not put his suggestions up for discussion (yet). Review the pros and cons of each suggestion together.
Encourage the candidate to ask someone who is known for his sound judgment how this person comes to make a judgment.
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