My Talents 0

Leadership talents



  • decides quickly and sticks to decisions
  • enterprising
  • problem-solving
Is driven by initiative and a desire to take decisions quickly and efficiently. Likes to solve problems effectively and gets to the point without delay. Holds strong opinions and sticks to decisions, which he tends to make without first consulting with others. Responds impulsively when confronted with a choice, considers few options before deciding and has a strong sense of urgency when doing so..
Possible Pitfall:

Select the icon on the left when you feel your talent is "" and the icon on the right when you feel your talent is "".

If both talents don't suit you, select nothing.

You will find your personal talents in the overview: "My Talents"

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  • nuanced
  • consults and considers
  • sometimes indecisive
Likes to consider different points of view and various facts and circumstances before taking a decision and takes time to do so. Prefers to act and decide after consulting with others and strives to reach consensus first. Tends to wait for other people's decisions and listens carefully to their arguments. Has little difficulty going back on decisions once made. Sometimes risks remaining in a consideration and consultation phase without coming to a decision or arriving at it too late.
Possible Pitfall:


  • free-thinking
  • autonomous
  • strong own views and opinions
  • mostly self-depending
Is driven by autonomy and freedom of thought. Likes to form his own opinions, views and judgments. Prefers to act independently without too much deliberation or taking other people's views into account and without having to account for his decisions. May be less transparent or accessible, sometimes self-depending or headstrong – which can cause resistance. Can be quite unconcerned regarding other people's views and opinions and is not easily managed or directed; likes to do his own thing, regardless of team spirit or culture.
Possible Pitfall:

Select the icon on the left when you feel your talent is "" and the icon on the right when you feel your talent is "".

If both talents don't suit you, select nothing.

You will find your personal talents in the overview: "My Talents"

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  • functionally team-oriented
  • collegial
  • likes deliberation
  • transparent
  • easily managed
Is driven by collectivity and working towards a communal goal. Likes to deliberate and to work together with his team; is accessible and prefers a collegial harmony. Is an easily managed team player who adapts easily to a group. Tends to follow other people's view; depends on leadership and other team members, may be easily influenced. Has no difficulty accounting for her actions; is transparent. Is sensitive to other people's positions and interests; tends to wait for consensus or approval from others before acting.
Possible Pitfall:
Easily influenced


  • likes to be responsible
  • takes initiative
  • directive
  • in control
  • makes group decisions
Is driven by a desire to be responsible for people and projects and to assert influence over them. Likes to be in control, to take initiative. Tends to be directive and to adopt a responsible role within a team; feels that role becomes him best. May be overly controlling, or try to maneuver himself into a leadership position. Has difficulty delegating. Often makes decisions he feels are necessary for the team; may come across as insensitive.
Possible Pitfall:

Select the icon on the left when you feel your talent is "" and the icon on the right when you feel your talent is "".

If both talents don't suit you, select nothing.

You will find your personal talents in the overview: "My Talents"

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  • usually compliant
  • malleable
  • accepting decisions
  • sometimes resigned
  • easily managed
Releases responsibilities with ease; has little difficulty delegating or passing on tasks. Tends to be pliable and compliant; easily acknowledges someone else to be in charge. Prefers other people to lead and take important decisions, is likely to accept the outcome. May be too resigned.
Possible Pitfall:
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